
Marko Josipović

Captivated about macroeconomics, investment strategies, wealth management, global financial system (GFC), equity market, dollar-milkshake theory, euro-dollar system, financial dark mater, technology and Bitcoin. You can find me at @1markojosipovic on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Articles by Marko
Gold vs Bitcoin: Can Bitcoin Steal Gold’s $12T Market Cap?

Despite having a lower market valuation of $364 billion and a price in the $20,000 range, bitcoin has outperformed gold over the past ten years. Gold vs Bitcoin is one of the oldest debates among hard money advocates. Given that gold prices are expected to reach $3,000 to $5,000 per ounce in the next five … Read more

3 min read
Cash Could Be Extinct By 2030

The World Trade Organization’s (WTO) “Great Reset” program proposes creating a new social contract that respects the dignity of all people and does not include private property ownership. To quote WTO, You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy. World Trade Organization Surprisingly, it won’t be that everyone (governments, corporate organizations, 1%, etc.) will own nothing; rather, it … Read more

3 min read
$30 Trillion U.S. Debt Spiral Could Spill Over to Bitcoin

The U.S. debt is higher than ever. Could a default scenario be beneficial for bitcoin? Because the U.S. dollar is the world’s reserve currency, it’s critical to comprehend the consequences of the U.S. debt crisis for the global financial system’s survival. Furthermore, while everyone is concerned about the highest inflation rate since 1981 (8.6% in … Read more

3 min read
Trust Is Dead – Evolution Of The Dollar System

What has been happening more than anything in the last century, and what most people haven’t caught on to yet, equals to Trust is dead. Prohibition of Gold Due to the pressures of economic growth, the Federal Reserve had to find a mechanism to increase money velocity in 1913, which necessitated the creation of debt. … Read more

3 min read

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