Bitcoin is more than just profits to me. I’m supporting something that will improve the world. Even if it goes to zero, I’ll know that I stood for a noble cause. But I don’t think it will.
Bitcoin is the solution to the biggest problem we have today: Our savings are stolen from us by governments and used to steer the world in the direction of their choice.
They print/borrow money and devalue everything that’s saved in bank accounts or cash. Most of their actions are taken to have more control over us.
Government-issued currencies are PROGRAMMED TO LOSE VALUE OVER TIME. Most people don’t understand this, so they will end up broke because their retirement savings will be worthless by the time they retire.
The goal is to keep us working, spending, borrowing money, etc. We are commodities. We are only as valuable as the amount that we contribute to economic growth.
We aren’t experiencing a cost of living crisis because of “corporate greed” and “capitalism.” We are experiencing it because governments steal our money and spend it on wars to defend their own interests.
When we use the money governments issue, we are giving that form of money value. We are telling them that they can pay us in that form of money. The US government can PRINT the money that we SPEND OUR ENTIRE LIVES WORKING FOR.
The solution: Bitcoin separates money and state. On a Bitcoin standard, governments can’t print money at will anymore. They can’t just borrow money and do whatever they want with it.
Going on a Bitcoin standard benefits EVERYONE but banks and governments. Merchants no longer have to rely on the banking cartel. Consumer purchasing power increases over time. It hurts banks because we won’t borrow as much. It hurts governments because they lose control.
You know how almost every country is in tons of debt? They essentially pledged their citizens’ future earnings as collateral to borrow that money.
When governments are no longer able to steal from our future, we will ALL be better off.
- The cost of living will go DOWN
- The quality of goods will go UP
- We won’t have so many multinational corporations that rule our lives
Don’t be collateral. Don’t get taken advantage of. Don’t let anyone steal your future. Don’t be broke in retirement. Contribute to a better future for yourself and your family. STUDY BITCOIN.
I created a video explaining how the financial system is rigged against us. It’s 90 minutes, in the format of a presentation. Watching it may be one of the best financial decisions you make.
This article was originally posted on X by Rajat Soni